Resource Hub
Browse our resource hub for access to key guidance, case studies, reports and inspiration for heritage organisations

Members can use ASK INTO to approach us with specific information requests. We draw on our international network and partner members to partner you with appropriate expertise.

Developed in partnership with INTO's 'Withstanding Change' project, this guidance aims to help sites become more resilient to climate change, and support teams to take decisions in the face of climate hazards.

12 case studies from the participants in the SEECHT project (Staff Exchanges in European Cultural Heritage Trusts), form the toolkit. Under four themes, the studies give practical tips for opening our heritage to wider audiences.

Balancing conservation, tourism, development, and community interests, this research looks at how global trusts are enhancing their conservation work through connections with local communities.
INTO reports
Case studies on diversity from the INTO Bermuda 2019 Conference
Launched at INTO Bali 2017 and showcasing the work, philosophy and organisational structures of heritage trusts around the world
INTO Conference statements

On cultural sustainability and climate change

Calling for global action to protect and promote tangible and intangible heritage

On the implications for cultural sustainability of climate change

On climate change
Annual Reports
Our 2023 activity report
INTO's 2023 financial statement
INTO's activity in 2022
INTO's 2022 financial statement
INTO's activity in 2021
Constitutional documents
At our 2017 Congress, we approved a new organisational structure, constitution and byelaws for INTO
As part of our new governance structure, we also revised our Byelaws