The International National Trusts Organisation (INTO)


Our small grants support member collaboration within the INTO family

Current opportunities

TAP INTO small grants support collaborative work between INTO members.

Applications are now open for up to £2,500 to fund collaborations between INTO members. Grants typically cover transport and visa costs, rather than programme or associated costs.

Full details of the eligibility requirements are below. For inspiration, please look at previous grants supported on our News pages. For any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

The closing date for this round is 1 January 2025.

What is TAP INTO?

TAP INTO awards small grants to develop and strengthen the capacity of our members through knowledge sharing. It’s all about bringing trusts together, commonality and shared expertise.

Further information

A grant can pay for travel costs to enable INTO members to meet in person and exchange knowledge. All INTO members are eligible to apply, but at least one partner organisation involved must be a full member of INTO. A maximum of one grant will be awarded per INTO member organisation.


  • Grants are available to INTO members in good standing.
  • At least one member should be a full member of INTO.
  • Funds are available to cover the cost of INTO members collaborating, by which we typically mean travel costs.
  • INTO typically expects the beneficiary organisation to meet the costs associated with hosting, meaning that grant monies can be put towards the travel (by rail, sea or air).
  • We reserve the right to make partial awards.
  • Wherever possible, we encourage members to travel in less carbon-intensive ways. We will consider applications where the cost of greener travel is higher (for example where rail travel across Europe is more expensive than air travel).
  • INTO aims to support as many member organisations as possible for TAP INTO support. In more competitive rounds of funding, we will prioritise applications from organisations which have not recently received a grant from us.

Sign up

If you’d like to stay up to date on opportunities available to INTO members, sign up to our newsletter and keep an eye on our social media channels.

We are grateful for the generous support of the Helen Hamlyn Trust in making the TAP INTO programme possible.

logo for the Helen Hamlyn trust TAP INTO funders

Apply here

TAP INTO application form

Step 1 of 3

  • Organisations must be INTO members in good standing in order to apply.
  • If you are hoping to travel, please consider giving us the number we can use to contact you while travelling.
  • Both organisations must be INTO members in good standing in order to apply.
years of TAP INTO
in funds made available
grants awarded
countries sharing knowledge

Grants in action

Past TAP INTO grants have connected Nelson Island in Trinidad with the National Trust of Scotland, to share experience and advise on the island’s development as a visitor attraction.

We have supported Australian National Trusts in the development of a commercial strategy and explored the feasibility of a working holidays programme at a trust in the remote South Atlantic.

From Indonesia and Jordan to Saint Lucia and Slovakia, TAP INTO grants provided a critical lifeline to heritage trusts to keep them operating during the pandemic.

11 grants were awarded in 2022 – 7 as part of the RISE programme, a knowledge-sharing initiative bringing together managers of sites around the Atlantic with a connection to the slave trade.

Bermuda National Trust and Drayton Hall (National Trust for Historic Preservation) shared approaches to working with descendent communities, and Dyrham Park in England matched with Headquarters House in Jamaica, sharing approaches to interpreting colonial legacies.

Read through our stories below to find out more.

Latest from TAP INTO