INTO Incubator
The Incubator is an immersive learning experience that supports heritage organisations seeking to make strategic change
Growing new trusts
The Incubator programme takes inspiration from the successful National Trust model and asks how this can be adapted for international contexts.
Course content covers key areas from increasing membership to recruiting passionate volunteers. Above all, participants gain valuable insight into the pillars of growing a successful trust.
In a series of intensive workshops, discussion and strategic planning, together we discuss how to take parts of a successful operating model and adapt it for your own context.
Our 2024 INTO Islands Incubator
In May 2024, we are hosting an INTO Incubator in south west England. We’ll be focusing on the way that National Trusts care for natural heritage, balancing the needs of visitation, member experience and conservation for biodiversity. Our particular focus will be on coastal environments, from sand dunes and coast path maintenance to member benefits and remote islands.
Applications have now closed. Future opportunities will be posted on this page, so please check back or subscribe to our newsletter.
For the INTO Incubator are we looking for delegates that are:
- In a senior role in their organisation, responsible for managing natural heritage
- Interested in learning about the National Trust model and its potential for adaptation
- Ready to consider implementation of strategic change
- Interested in engaging with a global network sharing heritage best practice
I will take so many experiences back home to Barbados that will enhance the operations of the Barbados National Trust, including how to engage visitors and members.
Frequently Asked Questions
As programme details are released, these will be shared on this page.
The INTO Islands Incubator 2024 will introduce delegates to best practice on site management at a range of sites on the coast of England.
Delegates should expect to be outside and spend much of the day on the move, under their own power. If you would like to take part but have considerations about your access needs, please get in touch to discuss this with us directly.
The INTO Islands Incubator will take place between 13-18 May 2024, in south west England.
As we are limited for places, we can only accept a maximum of one person from each organisation onto the programme.
For the 2024 INTO Islands Incubator, you must be a full member organisation to take part.
For those selected to take part in the 2024 Incubator, all costs in the UK will be met by INTO. Participating organisations will typically need to cover the costs of getting to and from SW England.
Partial support for travel costs may be available via a TAP INTO grant, which are available with a separate application.
Delegates will need to spend a week in the UK, as well as attending two build up sessions over Zoom.
We will prioritise according to the criteria laid out above.
After 1 January 2024, we will review applications and select the 10 best. You can expect to hear from us before the end of January with a decision.
Graduates from the INTO Incubator programme are given the opportunity to access expertise and knowledge sharing via INTO, in order to further their ambitions.
Many incubator attendees have gone on to become vibrant members of the INTO family.
Please get in touch via your usual contact at INTO, or via our general inbox at

Previous Incubators
In 2020 and 2021, we ran the Incubator digitally with four days of interactive online programming. You can find the 2021 programme in the resources section below.
In 2023, our first in-person Incubator was hosted by the National Trust (England, Wales and Northern Ireland), who welcomed leaders from four Caribbean National Trusts.
The Incubator is made possible thanks to the generous support of the Helen Hamlyn Trust and the 1772 Foundation.
I found the workshop very inspiring and useful in going back to basics on where we are as a Trust and the opportunities to go forward. I am glad to have been able to connect with colleagues abroad and have useful discussions in sharing our pain points and common anxieties and how to address them.
Incubator resources
Our 2023 Incubator was delivered in-person with visits to numerous National Trust sites in England and discussions with many different colleagues. Read the programme here.
Read our handbook for heritage trusts, full of inspiration for how your organisations might learn from the INTO network.
Our Incubator was delivered digitally. Read the programme here.

Want to learn more?
INTO membership offers you access to a wealth of expertise and experience from our network. Join the INTO family to become part of the global national trust movement.