The International National Trusts Organisation (INTO)

Hello from Ellie

a black and white photo of a woman wearing glasses leaning on her hand news

Hi there! I’m Ellie Oliver, INTO’s Communications Manager. I run our channels including the website, newsletter, social media and much more.

I’m passionate about sharing the news from across our INTO family, so if you work in our network and your job is communications – or communications-related – I’d love to hear from you.

We love to feature our members in our monthly newsletter and across our social media, but it can be harder than you think to find your news. Please follow us @intoheritage on Facebook, Instagram and X, and tag us if you would like us to see what you are up to.

Please fill in this form – I’m really excited hear about your news and campaigns.

Follow the INTO channels

Find us @intoheritage on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter/X

INTO communications form
Social media - please select the channels you use
Please add your social media tags here
Please let us know about any major projects and/ or campaigns that would be of interest to the INTO network.