We are looking for new Trustees!
This year, we are seeking to strengthen our governance by recruiting new Trustees.
We are particularly looking for candidates:
- With experience working with natural and/or intangible heritage
- From our Caribbean, African and Asian regional groups
- Able to champion and support our ‘Voice’ strategy
- Nominated by a Full Voting INTO Member organisation
And, the following personal attributes:
- A commitment to INTO, our values and ethics
- Sound, independent judgement (Trustees hold the role in their own right and take decisions in the interests of INTO as a whole, rather than those of their nominating organisation)
- A willingness and ability to devote the necessary time and effort
- An understanding and acceptance of the legal duties, responsibilities and liabilities of trusteeship
- An ability to work effectively as a member of a team
We hold five meetings a year, mostly by teleconference but normally with one face-to-face.
In 2017, the INTO Board approved a new organisational structure, constitution and byelaws, and re-registered with the Charity Commission (England and Wales) as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO).
These changes were made to simplify our administration, clarify the concept of membership and welcome a broader range of members.
Under this constitution, Trustees are appointed at the INTO Congress for one term, lasting until the next Congress (usually around 2 years). They may be reappointed for a maximum of three terms. This year, four Trustees are rotating off the board.
The INTO Congress takes place on Thursday 22 April 2021.
How to apply
To apply, please seek the nomination of a Full Voting Member organisation and return the nomination form to the INTO Secretariat by 9 April 2021.
Do please contact us if you would like an informal chat with our Secretary-General or Chair in advance of submitting an application.

Meet our other Trustees
INTO Trustees hail from across the globe, representing the diversity of skills we hold as an international network. Explore the rest of the board team.
Meet the INTO board