The International National Trusts Organisation (INTO)

2022 TAP INTO Grant Recipients Announced

INTO Projects July 7, 2022

We are pleased to announce our 2022 TAP INTO grant recipients. This year, a part of the TAP INTO funding programme was focused on our RISE (Re-Imagining Sites of Enslavement) programme, in which we share learning about the history of enslavement. 

TAP INTO aims to build the capacity of our members through knowledge sharing.  These small grants run in rounds throughout the year. It’s all about commonality, shared learning and bringing trusts together.

A total of 11 grants have been awarded in the 2022 round, for INTO members around the world, as shown in our member summary below. Of these 11, 7 form part of the RISE programme, a knowledge-sharing initiative that brings together managers of sites around the Atlantic with a connection to the slave trade. The programme is a collaboration between INTO and the American National Trust for Historic Preservation.

RISE collaborations funded in this round will create new common ground between INTO members working on sites of enslavement, focused on areas on common interest. Examples include a collaboration between Bermuda National Trust and the NTHP site Drayton Hall, sharing approaches to working with descendent communities, and Dyrham Park in England matched with Headquarters House in Jamaica, sharing the approaches to interpreting colonial legacies.

Follow us on social media and keep an eye out for our newsletter for updates from our TAP INTO RISE projects.




The British Virgin Islands




Saint Lucia


Cayman Islands
